

This project is intended to provide FREE resources for use at Spanish or bilingual liturgies.


The music offered here includes settings of many of the Proper texts of the Mass in Spanish: that is, texts for the Introit, Offertory, and Communion chants of the Mass, Responsorial Psalms, and Gospel Acclamations.

History of the Project

The earliest work on this project was made with texts from the Mexican Misal Romano for the Entrance and Communion Chants. Wherever the Mexican Misal is used, these texts should match.

Also in the first phase of the project, settings were added for the Offertory Chants. Since an official translation of the Graduale Romanum does not exist yet, the texts of the Offertory Chants were taken from Scripture, wherever possible.

The project entered a second phase after the publication of the United States edition of the Misal Romano approved by the USCCB. Some of the settings already made were revised in accord with the U.S. edition, and other settings were added, based on it.

Both versions of the Misal Romano are approved for use in the United States as of 2021.

The Responsorial Psalms and Gospel Acclamations are taken from the Spanish texts published on usccb.org. These texts may include Psalm verses taken from the Mexican Lectionary.

The Responsorial Psalms presented in major publishers’ worship aids may differ slightly from the texts presented here. Many of the major publishers use the Mexican text for the antiphon, but take the psalm verses from an older lectionary from Spain. Either text is approved for use in the U.S.; for ease of access, I have used the lectionary from the USCCB.org website.